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Create a 3D product landing page
Using ThreeJS + React + Snowpack

Learn Snowpack in 15 minutes
A video tutorial on creating a React app with Snowpack

Snowpack v3.0
Snowpack v3.0 is here!

New Official Guide: Svelte

New Official Guide: React
Getting started with Snowpack, React & Tailwind CSS

Speakeasy JS – Snowpack: Faster web tooling, powered by ESM (Fred K Schott)

Using Azure Static Web Apps with Snowpack for TypeScript

Up and running with Snowpack and Svelte in seconds

Snowpack v2.7
A new plugin API plus smaller, faster production builds.

Creating a TypeScript React application using Snowpack

The Web Platform Podcast - Pika and Snowpack

Svelte + Snowpack

Snowpack v2.0
Build web applications with less tooling and faster iteration.